Rugvistas designtävling!

Finalister 2021 - Rösta och Vinn

Hexagons av Hope Dangler



This design, Hexagons, represents both accumulation and dissipation. It incorporates a fitting pattern, representing how both coming together and drifting apart makes for a strong image, and by turn, a strong understanding of life. Additionally, this rug can help move the eye toward a focal point in the room and makes for a great conversation piece while fitting with modern decor.

Om Hope Dangler

My work explores various themes, but has recently turned toward balancing fine detail and minimalism, and the importance of both. Being an artist allows me to explore statements of societal and personal interest, which is the essential part of expression for me. The versatility of art is why I have committed myself to it. I can continue to express myself and change media readily to incorporate all of my desired statements and needs.

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