

Wool moebius von Stanley Eales



This is based on a moebius strip I carved out of wood when I was 18 years old. The design suggests something of the famous Woolmark logo. Also the 3 sided moebius strip is commonly used in recycling and sustainability logos.
This is based on a moebius strip I carved out of wood when I was 18 years old. The design suggests something of the famous Woolmark logo. Also the 3 sided moebius strip is commonly used in recycling and sustainability logos.

Über Stanley Eales

I am an illustrator, graphic design and cartoonist. I was born in New Zealand where there are around 60 sheep for every person. I divide my time between London and Krakow, Poland. I have had several cartoon books published and at one time I even did some work for Paul and Linda McCartney.
I am an illustrator, graphic design and cartoonist. I was born in New Zealand where there are around 60 sheep for every person. I divide my time between London and Krakow, Poland. I have had several cartoon books published and at one time I even did some work for Paul and Linda McCartney.

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